It’s the Weekend!

Goodwill Donation

1.  Started off the week by cleaning house and clearing out closets.  Gathered TONS of stuff to donate to Goodwill – woot!

Bird Houses

2.  Had a crafternoon with the kiddos and let them paint birdhouses.


3.  I had a 10pm craving for fudge dipped peanut butter oreos.  I’ve never had them before, but resisted the urge to buy them earlier in the day.  Needless to say, the craving was strong and the hubby went out to get them for me…love him :)

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4.  I made these ‘Pancake Squares’ for breakfast one morning…taste just like pancakes.  I added banana to the recipe (here).  Top with cinnamon/sugar and syrup…so simple and so good.

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4.5  I’ve started to reupholster the dining room chairs.  1 down, 7 to go…this could take a while :-)

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5.  Baby cuddles are the best.  This picture makes my heart smile and melt :-)

Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth today!  How was your week?

It’s the Weekend!

Here’s a recap of my how my week went.  I’m also linking up with Lauren Elizabeth for High Five for Friday!


1.  I like lists.  I like them best when there is a box for me to check it off…makes me happy.


2.  I had my 24 week check-up this week and the kids were well-behaved.  #thanktheLord


3.  These are my hideously stained dining room chairs (I have kids…and a husband…I’m sure none of it’s from me).  I hope to reupholster them this weekend.


4.  I feel like I won the lottery when I find a deal like this on diapers.


5.  Our antenna went out.  Yup, we have antenna (NO CABLE, NO SATELLITE).  You may begin poking fun now ;-)

How was your week?

It’s the Weekend!


1.  The week started off pretty sad with my little man getting the flu :(  I got it the next day.  Oh joy.


2.  First time we’ve tried to grow corn in our garden and so far it’s a success…until the birds started showing up.


3.  I had a serious craving for cinnamon rolls.  Made these homemade ones and they don’t                           disappoint :)  (Recipe next week!)


4.  Our Tivo died…I might too.

Balloon Flower

5.  My hubby bought balloons to make balloon animals and other doodads.  I made this flower…he was super impressed and jealous.  He says I’ll be a clown in no time.  I like how I can “wow” him with such a simple thing…especially after 14 yrs together.

Linking up with Lauren.