We go through a lot of bread in our house. About a loaf a week to be exact, which to me…is a lot. I’ve never thought to make my own bread, but I’ve recently tried to cut costs on groceries and other household items. I also don’t like to see the insane amount of ingredients listed on a loaf of store-bought bread. I think it’s like 20 ingredients or something crazy like that. I’ve only bought whole wheat bread and there are still that many ingredients. I have a bread machine, but the bread always has a thick outer crust, which I am not a fan of for sandwiches. So, I got a recipe from my Grandma (she makes her own bread) and have made it a couple of times. The bread tasted great, but it didn’t rise as high as I would’ve liked it to. Thus, I was on the search for a whole wheat bread recipe that would suite my needs and I came across this:

I’ve made two loaves so far and it’s so good! It rises quickly and it doesn’t fall apart when you cut into it. We’ve made sandwiches, eaten it plain or with butter…anyway you slice it (no pun intended :))…it’s good. One thing I like is that it only has 6 ingredients. Another is that it has no sugar, but uses honey instead. I will be using this recipe from now on for making my own bread and next time I plan on substituting whole wheat bread flour for the white bread flour the recipe calls for. I’ll let you know how it turns out. Now to find the perfect whole wheat hamburger bun recipe. If you have a recipe, please share :)