It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these and I really haven’t had the ambition to do any cooking/baking/crafting, so no related posts on those items. Here’s what I’m currently thinking:
- I am down to 3 shirts that I can wear without my baby belly hanging out. I’m almost at the end of this journey and refuse to spend money on more maternity clothes. Oh, and I wear the same kind of pants all of the time. Looking forward to expanding my wardrobe soon.
- You’d think I would have no appetite with how much room this baby is taking up. You’d be wrong. Although, I’ve put on less weight with this baby than with the first two. Woot. (I give kudos to the kiddos…chasing them is a full-time workout.)
- If I didn’t have 2 other kiddos to take care of, I’d probably just make sure the couch doesn’t float away. Laying down is seriously the only way I can be comfortable.
- I often ponder what/who this baby will look like. I wondered this with the first two, but even more so with this one since we don’t know the gender.
- I don’t know if I’ve nested yet. I’ve organized the house quite a bit, but that’s because we moved. I have yet to get a single thing ready for this baby. Sigh…Looking forward to my mom visiting so she can help me. She’s always a big help.
- I wonder if I’ll make it to the hospital in time for this one. We’re quite far away from the hospital now. As long as I don’t deliver on the interstate, I’ll be fine. I have no desire to end up on the news.
- I can’t wait to start running again.
- I can’t wait to have a baby in the house again.
- I can’t wait to get into my van without having to worry if my bump is going to hit something.
- I can’t wait to decide on a name. Nope, still haven’t done that. I wouldn’t even say we’ve “talked” about it. More like “mentioned” it in passing. Let’s just hope it’ll come to us after we meet the little one :)
There ya have it…almost 38 weeks baked. I still have “good” days, so I’m pretty sure I won’t be going in this week. Now I just hope for a smooth, normal delivery…just like the other two. Although, we could cut some time off the laboring part.