Happy Friday Eve! I honestly can’t believe we’re half way through April already. I’m ready for summer break and so is my school girl. She loves school, but I think she’s ready for no homework, late nights and fun with family and friends! I’m ready to have all 3 of my little ones back in the nest during the week. Ask me a week into break how I feel ;-) .
Speaking of nests, I spy quail eggs underneath our grill. They usually do this every Spring and I LOVE that I get to show the kids this part of nature. Unfortunately, this year, the mother quail decided that this is the spot to leave her un-hatching eggs. Is that what you call them? I don’t know, but anyway, nothing is happening with these.
Ok, so last Friday, the hubby was going to take our middle kiddo out for a bike ride and ran inside to tell me there was a mama quail and her babies out and about in our yard. Eeeeek! I ran to get my camera in attempt to get some good pics. There is the mama and all her babies (10 or 11, I think) under her wings.
There they are following the mama and ready to flee from me. They blend in so well with the sand/rocks, don’t they?
Look at the little peeps. Cuuuuuuute!
Over the river…
And through the woods…
To the neighbor’s house we go.
So, fast forward to tonight, when another neighbor found two baby quail in their garage. They were separated from their clan and unsure of what to do. They brought them to our backyard because we have no outdoor pets and thought they’d be safer here. I knew I’d skip right from 3 kids to 5. I always thought if we tried for a 4th, it’d be twins. I was right. Surprise.
If this doesn’t scream cuteness, I don’t know what does.
What’s up my peeps?
We were going to put them in our shed with food and water for the night, but they’re just so tiny (1-2 weeks old, maybe?) and we didn’t know if they’d make it through the night. So, we set up a giant cardboard house with a little heating pad, blanket, crushed food and some water for them in our garage. I really, really hope they make it through the night. If they don’t, I might have to take bereavement leave. I’m kind of attached. I hope the family of quail are back in our yard tomorrow morning, so we can release these two to them. Fingers crossed!